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Why Do You Need Teeth Cleanings?

Why are teeth cleanings so important? For a lot of people, teeth cleanings and dental visits come last place when it comes to their health. Sure, regular doctors visits seem like a given, so why does dental care become a last priority? The answer is somewhat simple: Most people won’t go to the dentist until … Continued

Teeth Cleaning 101: The Importance of Dental Hygiene

Teeth cleanings are not just important for your oral health, they also have an impact on your entire body. Oral health is connected to your whole body health, and keeping your mouth healthy is essential to maintaining this balance. Why Preventive Care is Key The best way to have a healthy mouth is to diligently … Continued

Learn Why Dental Crowns Are Used Instead of Fillings

Among restorative procedures, dental crowns are by far the most commonly performed by dentists everywhere. Most people understand what a dental crown does, and usually we have discussed it at some length before a patient decides to schedule the procedure. Historically people have a lot of questions about any procedure that is going to involve … Continued

The History and Facts Around Teeth Whitening

The process of teeth whitening has been around, in one form or another, for a very long time. In fact, it could be argued that due to a desire for whiter teeth, this treatment was among the very first remedies that man came up with in his earliest history. We can actually trace the desire, … Continued

A Cosmetic Dentist Can Change Your Smile One Tooth at a Time

Being a cosmetic dentist, we correct teeth, one small adjustment at a time. The mouth is a very small space, and the spaces between teeth, which make the most difference to a person’s smile, are best measured in millimeters. This means that our work is also measured in millimeters, and often the best results are … Continued

Answers to Questions Commonly Asked in Our Dental Clinic

In our dental clinic, we aim to educate and inform our patients about dentistry and oral health, in general.  In order to do so, we take the time to get to know our patients and engage them in conversation during dental exams. This way we can find out what health concerns each person has and … Continued

Interesting Facts About Orthodontics and Braces

We offer orthodontics as a way to straighten teeth and improve our patients’ smiles. Whether you are a grandma, a working professional or a teenager, you can benefit from having straight teeth. When your teeth are crooked, it becomes easy for food to become trapped in between them and your risk of getting a cavity … Continued

Dental Veneers Are a Gift You Give Yourself This Holiday Season

If you want to improve your smile, dental veneers are an excellent way to do so.  As the holidays and New Year approach, consider giving yourself the gift of a new smile.  Most adults have something that they don’t like about their teeth.  Whether it’s crooked teeth that were never treated with braces or dark … Continued

An Invisalign® Dentist Shares What Life is Like With Invisalign®

As a Texas Invisalign® dentist, we help to straighten our patients’ teeth. This is the clear way to move teeth into position and is just as effective as metal braces.  In order for the process to work, clear aligners are created in a dental lab.  The first aligner will be made to fit your teeth … Continued

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Phone: (210) 661-4211

Emergency: (210) 910-4999

6206 Seguin Rd
San Antonio, TX 78244

Office Hours:

Monday - Thursday: 8AM to 5PM

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